10 ping, hping, fping command examples in Linux/Unix
Ping stands for Packet Internet Gopher. Ping basically is the simplest tool to verify network connectivity. We can verify connectivity between any two devices within a private or public network. In simple words, a simple network can be made up of two or more devices connected together using any media and properly configured as well. For example if we connect two computers using Ethernet cable and configured the IP settings properly then we can call it a network. Here ping is the first thing to do to verify the connectivity between two machines within this small network. If network is perfect then both machines A & B will be able to send and receive ping packets between each other. ICMP Protocol: Ping uses ICMP protocol. ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol. Ping basically sends ICMP echo request packet to the destination device and wait for ICMP echo reply from the destination. At the end of its output it shows a statistical summary which contains packets sent and received, packet loss and minimum, maximum and average round-trip time values. The time taken in between sending ICMP echo request and receiving ICMP echo reply is called round-trip time. Ping is not only used for troubleshooting to test connectivity but also it is used to check the response time which determines network latency. First thing ping does is to resolve the...
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