Understanding Linux system logging
Introduction In this article, we will explain some of the important aspects of logging in Linux. As the case with many aspects of technology, logging mechanisms are being transitioned, modified and improved. It is also noteworthy that systemd, the default system startup and service manager for RHEL 7/Centos 7 provides it’s own logging mechanism in the form of a binary log called journald. Both Syslog and rsyslog use a similar methodology for tracking where certain programs should store their logs and that is managed through facilities and priorities. Please note that we will be using the terms Syslog and rsyslog interchangeably in this article. We’ll be working with a Centos 6 system for all practical purposes which uses rsyslog as it’s logging system. Understanding Syslog terminology: facilities, priorities, and actions If every service running on the system writes every type of log it generates to a single log file then it would be tedious to parse that data. So, a sort of labeling system was devised wherein all programs that could generate log messages would send their corresponding logs messages to a system logger. The system logger would identify the received log message based on two attribute and these attributes are facilities and priorities. Given below is the list of available facilities and priorities that we may use with Syslog facilities: auth (security or authorization related messages) user (user-level...
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