Author: Surendra Anne

How to create Linux Swap file?

The swap partition is a place where system will keep temporary files so that it can do the processing of data bit faster. Suppose your swap is getting filled and there is no raw partition left for creating swap partition on the server what we can do? At any cost your management asked you to increase the swap to improve the system performance. To come out of this situation there is one solution provided by Linux e.i we can create a swap file with in all ready existing and using partition if that partition is having sufficient free space Step 1: Switch off all the swap before any swap related work #swapoff -a  Step 2: Determine what is the swap size we required(here i am taking 128 MB) and execute the following command with count equal to 131072 (because 131072 is equal to 128 M) This will create a swap file name swap file in / directory with size of 128 MB. dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=131072 Let me explain above command. dd is an excellent command which is used to take backups of partitions, create MBR, create empty files etc. Here dd is used to create a empty file called /swapfile by taking input file as /dev/zero with block size as 1024 byts and number of these bytes as 131072. This command will create a file with 128MB. Step 3: Now set this swap file in order...

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Linux Swap creation step by step creation

Before doing any thing about swap we should know what is swap, for what purpose the swap is useful and other stuff related to swap management. What is a swap in Linux? When we are running applications in Linux their frequently used data is stored in RAM for frequent access. If the applications uses the full RAM there is a possibility of system slowness. The left solution is to increase RAM size so that we can run those applications without any issue. As RAM is bit costly, buying it is not preferred plan A option. So people come with a...

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Disk Management In Linux

Disk Management will contribute more topics than any other in RHCE 133 paper, it’s a vast subject to discuess. From today up to some days I will be posting topics on disk management, so stay tuned you linux learners. Linux OS will consider every thing as files even hardware too, for example if there is one hard disk in a Linux system then it is represented as hda(harddisk “A”) under /dev folder For example if we have 2 Hard disks then the representation is like below/dev/hda/dev/hdbWhere /dev/hda is primary master HDD and /dev/hdb is primary slave HDD If we want to represent floppy drive then the representation is as below/dev/fd0 If we want to represent second floppy drive then the representation is/dev/fd1 If we want to represent cdrom/dev/cdrom If we want to represent DVD-writer/dev/dvdwriter If we want to represent special devices such as SATA,USB-mass storage etc then the representations are as below/dev/sda/dev/sdb/dev/sdc till up to /dev/sdz Suppose if we ant to represent partitions on HDD it goes as below/dev/hda0 for first partition in primary master HDD/dev/hda1 for second partition in primary slave HDD/dev/sdd5 for forth partition in special device 4 For more number of devices see this Before creating any partitions we should remember the following things.a. Check for what purpose we want to create the partitions(for example for creating swap)b. Check weather any free space left by...

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My name is Surendra Kumar Anne. I hail from Vijayawada which is cultural capital of south Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. I am a Linux evangelist who believes in Hard work, A down to earth person, Likes to share knowledge with others, Loves dogs, Likes photography. At present I work at Bank of America as Sr. Analyst Systems and Administration. You can contact me at surendra (@) linuxnix dot com.