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Ok, What you can contribute?
Anything related to Linux(All flavors), Unix(Aix, Solaris, HP-UX anything you think of), Server-side scripting(Shell scripting, Python, Perl, Ruby, Go, SQL etc), DevOps(AWS, KVM, Docker, packer, Vagrant etc), Configuration management tools(Puppet, Chef, Ansible, Salt etc) and anything related to infrastructure, Hardware, news, Windows, Tips and tricks. Just anything which you feels to share. Do not hesitate to share, just mail me at surendra @ linuxnix . com. You can submit even small stuff too. For linuxnix.com quantity does not matter, Only quality matters.
In what format, we accept your contributions?
We accept if your document is
How to do XYZ
Why is XYZ happening?
What is XYZ in ABC?
XYZ tips you should know
10 XYZ command examples
The best way to configure XYZ
hacks, Tutorials etc. We review it and post it or suggest your edit’s. The sky is the limit and don’t hesitate to contact me.
Can I copy and paste from other sites?
No, We take plagiarism into consideration and we don’t want to be part of stealing someone work.
Please do not submit copyrighted content (You must either be the author of the material or have the original author’s consent to publish it).Please don’t submit incomplete tutorials – we can publish only finished tutorials and you can get help from us if you struck somewhere.
If you are good at content writing and found some mistakes, you are always welcome to mail surendra@linuxnix.com.